Influencive Review of Taboos & Transgressions

In this interview-style review of Taboos & Transgressions: Stories of Wrongdoings co-edited by Luanne Smith, Jau Feldman relays his interview with Luanne while offering his own spin on why the stories in this anthology are important. He writes, “Whether they’re moments of empowerment through overcoming difficult situations or causing harm to others emotionally or physically, […]

Runaway: an Anthology Edited by Luanne Smith, Michael Gills, and Lee Zacharias 978-1-948692-26-7 paper 22.95978-1-948692-27-4 ebook 9.996×9, 300 pp.Fiction anthologyMarch 2020 Available from these online retailers: Excerpt from the Forward What follows in this anthology is a collection of stories, real or imagined, that have been carefully crafted into works of art on the theme […]
Reflections on the Stories We’ve Shared

I like stories to bite back at you. I want them gritty, as gravelly as Tom Wait’s voice. Go there. And all three of the anthologies you see here offer just that. When looking at running away, whether it be physically, emotionally or mentally, there’s a grimness there. Running away from what? Running to what? […]