A New Biographical Essay About Luanne

Wendy Stokes has written an insightful article about Luanne’s work for The Frisky, a sex-positive and feminist publication: How Luanne Smith Is Encouraging People to Talk about Their “Unmentionables.” The essay explores what drives Luanne’s thinking as she chooses themes for her anthologies. As Luanne curates works by both well-known and emerging writers, she invites […]
Call for Authors: Muddy Backroads

Luanne Smith and Bonnie Jo Campbell are editing a new anthology, titled Muddy Backroads: Stories from off the beaten path. For this anthology, the editors are looking for stories that move away from the norms of daily life to explore the side roads that take us away from the known. What do your characters do […]
Reflections on the Stories We’ve Shared

I like stories to bite back at you. I want them gritty, as gravelly as Tom Wait’s voice. Go there. And all three of the anthologies you see here offer just that. When looking at running away, whether it be physically, emotionally or mentally, there’s a grimness there. Running away from what? Running to what? […]