A New Biographical Essay About Luanne

Wendy Stokes has written an insightful article about Luanne’s work for The Frisky, a sex-positive and feminist publication: How Luanne Smith Is Encouraging People to Talk about Their “Unmentionables.” The essay explores what drives Luanne’s thinking as she chooses themes for her anthologies. As Luanne curates works by both well-known and emerging writers, she invites […]
Taboos & Transgressions


Runaway: an Anthology Edited by Luanne Smith, Michael Gills, and Lee Zacharias 978-1-948692-26-7 paper 22.95978-1-948692-27-4 ebook 9.996×9, 300 pp.Fiction anthologyMarch 2020 Available from these online retailers: Excerpt from the Forward What follows in this anthology is a collection of stories, real or imagined, that have been carefully crafted into works of art on the theme […]